Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Chapter 11
Kirti Mukha
© Eso A.B.
Right next to the mysterious quantum jump (from particle to wave or the other way around) proposed by the Heisenberg solution, is the ancient image of Kirti Mukha  as representing the mysterious topological circle, which while remaining a circle, allows one to move from one side of the circle to the other without falling off the cliff which theoretically is presented by the edge of the circle.

The difference between a two dimensional and a topological circle has been noted since ancient times. Nevertheless, the two circles often get confused, especially since a circle may be viewed as a ‘simple’ circle and an ‘sophiscicated’ circle. Kirti Mukha belongs to the latter.
Most people today believe the simple or two dimensional circle is the real circle. This is because grammar school teachers have not been taught to acquaint children with the difference. This results in great confusion and misunderstanding between cultures today and in ancient times. With the circle perceived as having greater complexity in the East, it was projected there with great ingenuity in art.
Because in the East the circle was perceived as a body—at the very least as a body that had a  face—rather than being merely a stretched line, it manifested itself in the minds of the artists and others who meditated on the nature of reality, as Kirti Mukha.
So, what is a Kirti Mukha?
There is a story that explains it in very simple terms. Once upon a time there was a serpent. The serpent represented or stood for the wrath of God. On one day the God became so angry at a creature that He send the serpent after it—to either give him-her a poisonous bite or simply choke him-her to death. Nevertheless, a few moments later, God changed His mind and regretted that he had sent the serpent on its lethal mission. What was God to do now? He transmitted to the serpent a mental message: “Desist from attacking X, but turn your (mine) anger against yourself instead. Devour yourself to the point where there is nothing more of you for you to devour.”
The serpent obeyed and devoured itself until it came to its face and could devour itself no more. Thus, the serpent of the face became known as Kirti Mukha or Face of Glory.
Interestingly, the story does not end here. The Face of Glory was still possessed by great anger and the desire to put an end to itself. But how was it to accomplish this? It became a pure mathematical problem: How is a zero (0), that is to say a circle, to disappear?
It can do so by dividing itself in half. And how is a circle to divide itself in half? It can do so by dividing itself into two parenthesis ( ). It accomplishes this by growing out of its face, so to speak, two great horns or tusks. When these are fully grown, each horn turns into a monstrous giant with a ready spear in hand. The ancient Greeks had a fairy-tale, in which two such giants, known as Otus and Ephialtes, twins born of the Earth-Mother Artemis, when fully grown, conceived a sexual desire for their mother and decided to seize her, when she was off guard.
One early fall day, when the two giants and their mother had gone into the wood to pick mushrooms, the twins decided to do the rape. They had come to a small clearing in the middle of the wood. Artemis was at the centre of the clearing, while the twins were at the edge of the wood on the left and right of her. This was it:
Otus and Ephialtes drew back their arms with the spears ready to fly. The tips of the spears, polished shiny, glinted in the sun. The Earth Mother caught the glint out of the corner of her eye. She understood in an instant in what was happening, and in an instant she turned herself into a roe and took a high leap into the air. The spears of the two giants missed hitting her, but passed harmlessly through her legs, continued to travel, then each hit the twin on the opposing end of the clearing.
Needless to say, both of the giants fell dead.
There are many variations of this story. One of the most famous ones also comes from the Greeks. We may remember, that the Greek Adam was called King Cadmus, maybe also the Red King . Cadmus created himself warriors by breaking out the teeth of a great Serpent that he had overcome. He sowed the teeth into two rows, and from the seeds sprung two rows of fully armed men.
To put life into the men, Cadmus threw between them a stone, which the men interpreted to have been thrown by the men in the opposite row from them. An immediate fight between the two rows ensued. The fight ended only when both rows of men had mutually destroyed each other.
Furthermore, this story has an echo in the grandson of Cadmus, known to the Greeks King Oedipus. King Oedipus had twins by his mother, Polyneicis and Eteokles. These sons, too, killed each other.
The topological circle, the one that is not for ever closed, but from which there is an escape, may also be presented in non visual ways.
One such way is embedded in our language, where we continue to propagate the tooth of seed through a mental process known as pareidolia or uninhibited associatio. While association of like and unlike is manifest in many ways, one is through cognates.
Such cognates are for example, names, such as Yan, Ivan, Ion, Don, Dion, Zhan, Gan, Gen, Gion, Hans, Han, Huat, etc. One such surprising association of John maybe the name of the Indian saint, re Gandhi = Yandhi.
Unfortunately, with the arrival of ‘science’ and its insistence on rigid proof that 1=1, pareidolia was dismissed as both inconsequential and delusional.
Nevertheless, the more imaginative among scientists will see how the representation of the topological circle is likely an early representation of quantum mechanics, i.e., the ‘gap’ of quantum mechanics, is presented not as a separation between an electron or particle in one instance and in another instance as a wave, but by a twist acting as a separation or illusion of separation.
The ‘simple’ vs the ‘topological twist’ is represented also within the solar system, where the moon represents a simple circle illuminated only on one side, whereas the Earth is like a topological a circle rotating about the sun and illumined on both of its sides, which allows our planet to escape the rigor mortis that grips the moon.
To repeat, the link that connects both sides of a circle is a simple ‘twist’, and is represented by the virtual figure of the number 8. It is not a mere accident that 8 is said to represent eternity. The simple version of the circle dominated the Western perceptions and is seen as a two-dimensional circle or serpent called a Ouroboros, However, the Ouroboros never becomes a face, but remains a closed circle, from which one cannot escape.
Perhaps the reason has something to do with the repression by neo-Christians of the arch-Christians, the so-called ‘heretics’, catars, bogomils, et al, who were accused of ‘dualism’ or manichaeism , of seeing God as both ‘good’ and ‘evil’, which was anathema to the Catholic Church, which was charged by its sponsors, the wealthy castes of the West, to never to depart from a positivist interpretation of reality. Thus, while the West has so many ‘creative’ designers, all consumer products, over and above the necessities, are boring junk.

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