Thursday, November 1, 2012

Chapter 7
The Apocalypse Begins
© Eso A.B.

As noted in the Introduction (Ch. 1), Basil/Jesus the Bogomil was killed by fire and cremated (1118) in a pit dug on the grounds of the Hippodrome in Constantinople (now Istanbul).

Death by fire had its origins in the ‘fur’ or ‘pelt tax’ (no, no archeologists confirm this). Pressing the natives to deliver ever more furs (to Vikings and formerly holy Kings under attack by the invaders) involved threats to ‘primitive’ families and life, which, in turn, resulted in the natives turning to dehumanizing themselves enmasse, slaughtering animals, re: driving them over cliffs and using fire to act as the driving mechanism.

Needless to say, ‘primitive’ culture that had looked on all living beings as having equal value before the ‘Creator’ as themselves, soon became demoralized. Old bonds disintegrated. Because fires often burn out of control, a fire set to drive animals may result in loss of human life as well. The ‘primitive’ view that trees, especially old trees, are to be venerated as representatives of the spirits of ancestors disappeared, and with it respect for the wood as a sacred place, perhaps even Paradise. Fires leave terrible scars, and this fact in itself became, first, a tool to threaten with; second, a weapon of torture; third, a means of execution; fourth a way to disappear evidence of the past.

The campaigns against all things 'wild' that were not yet subject to self-appointed 'aliens' (ārāji) were led by the symbolic King Goldenlocks of the Haves (mentioned in the preceding two chapters). The 'Habs' or 'Havs', soon stood as symbols for forces which had learned the trick of living well by, first, demonizing animals, then by repressing fellow men, then by fighting wars for supremacy among themselves. In other words, the so-called "primitives" were none other than ordinary men and women living their lives in a manner they had done for tens of thousand years preceding the appearance of this ‘alien’/ārāji and so-called Arian social tumor.

Not surprisingly, this is the time when there began to spread a rumor that 'the end of days' was near. According the Russian mathematician and historian, “The Apocalypse” was written in 1486 in anticipation of The Apocalypse in 1492.*

Much tax money was raised at the expense of the destruction of the great woods . As the link says, the forest Finns “…had their origin in the Swedish colonization policy in Finland, a part of the Swedish Empire since the 13th century.” This was the pre-Apocalyptic time. In early times the wood covered much of our planet, whether one traveled north or south, east or west. After the forest and the life it supported destroyed, the empty space was replaced by arable land on which grain (rye) was raised for profit. The rye also supported a life, but this form of life was largely limited to humans, who--no longer needing to share the bounty of the woods (berries, nuts, mushrooms) multiplied like rats in the barn of Swedish nobles. As we know, mice, rats, rabbits, sparrows, beavers, wolves , and later wild pigs were exterminate in huge numbers. As if their minds were genetically modified, the post-woods humans believed, with heart and soul, that desertification of planet Earth was their mission and crude lies sufficed to justify it. The native inhabitants of our planet, the people of the wood, were demoted to being ‘pagans’, a word that does not mean un-Christians, but sub-humans.

One of the 'alien' kings who was part of this destructive phenomenon and participated in holocausting human beings as well as the wood was King Alexius I of Byzantium. As the king’s implausibly (dehumanized) adoring daughter Anna Comnena notes in her book, “The Aleksiad” (Ch. 15), “…a huge fire was kindled….” Aside from being a spectacular event, apparently such spectacles were not an unusual sight. Huge logs filled a deep pit, and to make human sacrifice all the more spectacular and advertise the 'aliens' power (yes, Anna, was one of them) the Holy King Basil was thrown into “…the fire [of which] … the flames [were] rising and shooting out fiery sparks with a noise like thunder….” Such pits and piles of fire (whether they burned men or bricks does not matter) consumed not only Basil cum thousands of ordinary men and women, but changed the habitat of life on Earth for hundreds of thousands of years to come and eliminated many species of wild life, which planet Earth had come to support in the wood: a kingdom of a natural democracy.

Most of the cataclysmic weather changes in the world were not due to meteors hitting the earth or volcanic eruptions (as 'experts' and 'scientists' apologists now try to tell us), but were due to the abuse of the wood by an 'alien' class of human beings , who came to seize ‘secular leadership positions’ among ‘primitive’ religious societies. The rapid growth of human numbers at that time--as mentioned in the link--was due to the clearing of our planet of wild-life, the burning of the wood, and the institution of “human rights” such as had never been foreseen by the Creatrix. While ‘human rights’ in due course created a destructive civilization, originally it was meant only for princes and nobles.

While great changes took place on our planet beginning with the Miocene to Pliocene epochs, these changes were gradual rather than cataclysmic. Though the Miocene is a time when the Himalayan Uplift was at its most active and great changes took place in geography, the vibrations caused by earthquakes, did not make our planet less fertile or less populated by wild-life--except in limited locations. Indeed, the epoch is also noted for a transition from a warmer and moister climate to a cooler and dryer one. The Miocene began about 25 million years ago and ended 12 or 13 million years ago. The Pliocene, beginning and ending about 3 million years ago, ended in the Pleistocene epoch. Nevertheless, the changes were gradual enough for wild-life which in earlier epochs had lived in the wood to begin an evolutionary readjustment to a drier period on the savannah

According to professor Robin Fox (“The Red Lamp of Incest”) “…a number of observers have pointed out that the multi-male system characterizes the primates in the forest, the woodland, and the tree savanna, while in the desert, the one-male system prevails.” (p. 118) This observation is an interesting one. Even if the main events happened millions of years ago, there are enough suggestions—judging from primate behavior in our own day—to think of not only the already given conclusion, but to imagine how a change from a life in the wood from times immemorial, led to the repression of the female of the primate species, when the mother and daughters were forced to move and live without the protection of the wood (symbolically represented by the apple and cherry trees).

How much greater the repression of social democracy among human beings, when during the last thousand years, they were thrust into a space where a desertified landscape predominated.

The ultimate steps, of course, led to an imprisonment in what some proudly, but mindlessly hail as the ‘urban environment’. Few note the sterility of this environment, though it should be obvious from the number of ‘creative designers’ who suck sand and  have no idea they themselves are of no more than some sand and cement and water mixed.

It does not take a military genius to realize that humans who live in a wood are better protected from their fellow humans by trees and leaf, than those who live in tin shacks or brick apartments are protected from the urban police policing the economy on behalf of ‘democracy’ dominated by banks. One only has to take a quick pedestrian look at Rio de Janeiro or Detroit

Most of us have read the story of how in 9 AD a Roman general named Varus lost three armed legions to ‘primitive’ German tribesmen led by one Armenius in the Teutoburg Forest Most of us know of guerilla warfare, much of which (at least in the past) took place because the guerillas were able to take advantage of tree cover in the cover.

One of the great wars of the latter half of the twentieth century, the Vietnam War, found the self-destructive nation of United States of America (occupied by a wholly 'alienated' humankind) not only fighting Vietnam's tropical jungle, but losing the war due to the enduring nature of the Vietnam wood, which was rather literally breathing tropical steam supplied by the Mekong River. However, as the following clip shows, today the Mekong is being dried for the sake of ‘improving’ and bringing ‘progress’ to a culture of termites

While Americans characterize the reason they fought the Vietnam War as an attempt to ‘contain evil’ communism, and claim to have won the war, there is reason for viewing the war as originating with an 'alien' (specifically European and American) urban civilization attempting to desertify the remaining landmass of our planet by eliminating its remaining woods and subjecting the majority of humankind to a minority of urban elites. In other words, the strategy of the American liberal capitalist social order may be characterized as self-destructive by means of subjecting humankind to a select group of psycho pathological secularists.

[In light of this annihilation of our planet, some readers may be interested to read my blog 20 (above), “The Despair of Stalin 1”. I argue that Stalin was not without his reasons. The persistence of capitalist aggression as expressed by the nature of American “desert” warfare is best seen in the current ‘craze’ to use unmanned planes or drones as attack vehicles on literally anyone who opposes government agencies in service of banks and other mega-private interests.] The greatest danger to a new born in our age is not a miscarriage suffered by his-her mother, but an American military prick jerking himself off on death in a military van in Texas or New Mexico.

Advertising itself as a ‘great democracy’, the advantage of America over other nations is/was traceable to its origins. It had none of the war debts and rapacious cultural legacies of derelict European kingdoms. Its founders were also enthusiastic supporter of an emerging ‘scientific’ but no less psycho pathological cultural leadership of 'aliens' among its own. Indeed, American leadership may have been among the most psychopathological of the cultures of the day, simply because the nation escaped being popularly labeled a ‘colonial power’ and could pretend being ‘an innocent’ bystander. [This is evidenced by the American choice of an ‘innocent’ President in the figure of Obama.] Nevertheless, the aim—as evidenced by the present distress of the American people—has all along been for a minority of elites to colonize the body of the people in the way the eggs of a parasitic wasp eat out the body of a caterpillar

After a period of incubation, largely preoccupied with taking possession of a heretofore unoccupied continent (some would say—‘taking it away from the Indians’, especially during the 19th century), America unleashed itself upon the new continent and beyond.

It is of some interest that the psychopathology of ‘secular’ America’s ‘alien’ leadership manifests itself in a philosophy of ‘growth’ and as an end in itself. It is even more interesting that at this time ‘growth’ has come up against a ceiling. Even though there are many who insist that such a ceiling is only apparent and due to short-term financial problems bound to be temporary, the surface of planet Earth has become (no if and buts) an ecological disaster zone.

There are many who perceive our planet’s political problem as being more than just a disaster. With overextension and overreach of life support, the ‘9/11 event’ of 2001 illustrates to just what degree Americans have come to depend on ‘spectacle’ as a reminder of reality. Having survived more than a century sitting on the shoulders of war and bluff, the Western world no longer recognizes itself as having a relationship to the wood or the world as a wilderness. The closest thing to the ‘wild’ in the 21st century is to picture one’s self in a photo on the moon, arriving there at the cost of $50 million a ticket.

Anatoly Fomenko, “History: Fiction or Science”, vol. 1, p. 161.

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