Sunday, October 28, 2012

© Eso A.B.

Not that long ago, this 'blog book' would not have seen daylight.

In the ‘Middle Ages’, publishing was--between the beginning of publishing and today--a virtual dictatorship over what written material saw daylight.

Today, with the help of the internet, publishing has all the freedoms once had by the Broadside Ballad publishers during the early days of the printing press. Alas, governments now wish to take the new freedom back for itself.

Not so long ago, most of the texts that fill our libraries were released by publishing houses committed to a status quo world view established by centuries of violence exercised by, both, the Church and secular rulers. Most editors of traditional publishing houses were selected for their conformity to the publishers' views, which, in turn, conformed with those of the French kings of Early Western Europe. The Pope was selected by these kings--that is why the Popes were first located in Avignon, not Rome.

The phrase “the unknown known” was made famous by United States Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in 2002. Whether the Defense Secretary knew what the most fascinating “unknown known” event of the West was and remains, this writer does not know. Still, the phrase made by President George W. Bush following the 9/11 (2001) attack, re: “This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while….,” could not have gone unnoticed by the Secretary. Later renamed “the Tenth Crusade” by columnist Alexander Cockburn, the obviousness of the “unknown known” came that much closer to being obvious.
Until the writing of this essay, the “known” has remained unnamed, because, indeed, it is feared and dreaded. Hint: the dread was acknowledged by the History Channel, when it refused to carry advertisements for the books of Russian mathematician and historian Anatoly Fomenko ttp:// . Fomenko, like this writer, promotes the idea that much of what has been written about ‘historical events’ before the 16th century is fraudulen, not to say a liet. How we interpret history is based on the fraud.

Why is the West so determined to keep the “known” an “unknown”?

Might it be because it is hiding an ancient "false flag" event?

This writer believes that many history books will soon become mere curios. However, for those in a haste to know, the answer may be discovered in the blog, re: “”.

The arguments, brought up by the blog, though controversial, help shed the burdens imposed by what is now assumed to be an incontrovertible 'tradition' forces us to associate Christ-ian-ity “Jesus Christ”. This blog book presents a perspective that offers a different perspective of history and, as a result, a different perspective of  the world's economic development.


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